

Letting Go of Stress

“Letting Go of Stress” is a CD recorded by Dr. Ledford to hep you reduce stress and learn to relax. The CD contains an introductory track (5:30) that explains the benefits of self-hypnosis and dispells the myths of clinical hypnosis.

The second track is a 49 minute self-hypnosis exercise that will guide you into a state of deep and comfortable relaxation as you listen to Dr. Ledford’s calming voice and the background sounds of a peaceful beach. Unlike the myths of hypnosis, you will not be “zapped,” lose control or quack like a duck when a bell rings. You will, however, be more relaxed than you ever imagined possible, and with practice, you will learn to calm yourself, even without the CD.


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2 thoughts on “CD’s

  1. Hi Terry, been thinking about U as I continue with my mental well being (HEALING), And John of course U and he were my start (The Catalyst), So I Thank U from the bottom of my Heart, Lucky enough to have my Cindy here on the Same Journey with me, So Together we trudge the happy road to destiny…..Just wanted to say Hi and hoping all is well with U my Friend,….

    Paul Doucet